Parents & Family Support

The centre offers various support services both targeted and universal including the following.

  • Counselling
  • Play Therapy
  • Youth Programmes
  • Parenting Programmes
  • Intensive help for families providing structured support for children and practical advice and support for parents, guardians and extended family members.
  • After schools service for children to develop and sustain their education
  • Community development worker
  •  Information officer – for help and advice with forms e.g social welfare, medical card, grants, training opportunities.

The centre works closely with a number of outside agencies who work the same umbrella as us (HSE, PHN, Primary School). Any Queries in relation to parent & Family support can be made to Bernie on 068-45333


Registered Company No. 346110 | CHY No: 15583 | Website by Velabri

Contact Details

Duagh Family Centre, Duagh,
Listowel, Co.Kerry

Telephone: 06845333